‘23 is it safe

Well if you’re tuned in to what’s been going on in this world, we’ve been going through it. Man it’s been a whirlwind for sure. Our economy has taken a beating and while us business owners have been holding on to what we’ve built I must say it has been HARD! I have been put to the test with my business and at times I’ve felt like bowing out gracefully but something in me won’t allow to me give up. When I started this business I always knew it’d be an amazing journey so I can’t let it go. For me this is all I’ve known for the past 9 years. Seeing so many beautiful faces and meeting amazing people has been the thing that keeps me going. Just know that even though this year has brung me to what I feel is my lowest point I do believe there is no where to go but up.  I’ve learned from the mistakes and lessons and I’m determined to do my best.

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